New owner from 1th of May 2018 - Thorens returns to Germany

Famous record player brand Thorens returns to Germany and Bergisch Gladbach becomes Analog Valley. The oldest Company in entertainment electronics switches Owner and location.

Gunter Kuerten takes Thorens. The former CEO of ELAC and Denon (with additional leadership experience at LG, Loewe, Sharp and Sony), founded the new Thorens GmbH in Bergisch Gladbach. By this beginning with May 1st, another worldwide leading brand in analog HiFi is located there and makes the region to Germany’s Analog Valley.

Thorens is the oldest name in entertainment electronics, founded in 1883 by Hermann Thorens in Sainte-Croix, Switzerland. The brand is still worldwide known for its high-quality record players. During the sixties of the 20th century the company moved to Lahr in Germany. Later when Heinz Rohrer became CEO, Thorens returned temporarily to Switzerland.
„Gunter Kuerten is a very experienced and successful industry insider. Because of this Thorens will be in good hands and ready for future challenges.“, so Heinz Rohrer.
„I am committed to the tradition of Thorens and I see my job in keeping the brands legacy but also in further developing this ‘analog jewel’ “, confirms Gunter Kuerten. “I see a lot of future chances in the opening of markets. And the worldwide vinyl revival is going to assist us in that “.

Thorens GmbH
Lustheide 85
51427 Bergisch Gladbach

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Phone: +49 (0) 2204-8677720

Bergisch Gladbach, 05/01/2018